Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

For the last couple of years, Jack and Abby have designed their own jack o'lanterns. They draw what they want on paper and my talented husband John carves them. I imagine we'll have to buy four pumpkins next year. Aren't they cute?

I didn't get to take many pictures of my children dressed up this year but I will try to post some later.


Tori said...

very cool!!!

Emily said...

Nice pumpkins! Jack's is my favorite. : )

Jueneta said...

Wow! You guys did a great job carving. We carved too early so ours looked like old zombie pumpkins.

Kristin said...

John's pumpkin does bear a remarkable likeness. They are all great!

Robin said...

Yes, this is a very cool picture! How did you get the picture to turn out so well? I tried to take a picture of our pumpkin lit up and, well, it didn't turn out so cool. John did an awesome job carving these! How did you add the text on the photo?

Heidi said...

Robin, I had to turn the flash off on my camera to get this result. I too was surprised by how well it turned out. I added the text with Photoshop Elements that I just bought myself with the very last of my personal money saved from Birthdays, etc. I haven't really gotten to play with it yet but I'm hoping to get a chance soon. I want to try out Digital Scrapbooking with it. Adding this text was the first thing I did and it was so easy!