Monday, October 27, 2008

Hide and Seek

I sat down on my bed after picking the children up from school and thought about how tired I was. So, I said to myself, "You should listen to your body and just lay down for a minute."

Those who really know me know that I do not take naps. I wake up from naps feeling absolutely horrible-- tired, grumpy, nauseous and like I have the flu. My children's doctor asked me when Joshua was born if I was taking naps while Joshua slept and was surprised that I never take naps. I told her how I feel when I wake up and she said, "You know what that means don't you?" I didn't. She said, "It means that you are very sleep deprived." Who knew?

I have been sleep deprived for years even when I'm sleeping 8-9 hours a night due to lack of restorative sleep that my doctor is now trying to remedy, but I never knew that's why I can't take naps.

Anyway, Joshua came in my room looking for me a minute or so after I laid down. I couldn't see him because I was laying on my side facing the other way but I heard him go right past me to my bathroom door and then head back out of my room. I thought, "Wow. He's going to let me rest."

Then I hear, "He's (Translation: She's) got to be here somewhere." Enjoying this little game, I of course remained still. Ethan found me about 30 seconds later followed by Joshua and well, so much for my rest but I did have a laugh and for some reason, laughing seems to have restorative powers too!


Kristin said...

Kids seem to have a "mom is napping" detector don't they? Cats have the same thing I am afraid. UGH! I woke up pretty grumpy and groggy from my nap today. Now I know what that means. Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

Sarah said...

That is interesting. I used to be a napper, and I still enjoy them, but I'm trying not to stay up late, and naps keep me up. Change is difficult.

Daniel and Karen said...

I have the same problem with naps! Daniel was always trying to get me to nap after Bridget was born, but I just feel so horrible afterwards. Who knew?