Thursday, October 9, 2008

Looking Out My Window

Dear Window,

Thank you for letting me see through you. I love to watch for my daddy to come home so I can wave and wave and wave to him. Good Girl Da loves to watch with me. She likes to communicate with her friends across the lake while we look out of the window. If she talks too much, Mommy sends her outside and I look out of the window by myself and wonder what she is saying in her own funny language.

When Daddy pulls up in his trusty car with over 180,o00 miles on it, I giggle and giggle while calling out, "Da-da! Da-da!" in my loudest voice. Mommy doesn't shoo me outside though. She smiles and comes to the window to wave to Daddy too. She looks so happy to see him!

Thank you Window for bringing us joy!


1 comment:

Shawna B. said...

Hi Heidi! I saw the link to your blog on Jen Swenson's and just had to pop over and say hello!

I love the pictures from Carter Mountain! I miss Virginia so much, especially right now that it's autumn. As you know, Virginia is spectacular in the fall!

I love that you carry on German traditions. Abby's schultuete is amazing! What great parents you and John are. I have always admired you so much, Heidi. You are one of the kindest people around.

Please say hello to your family for me. I miss Abby's hugs each Sunday in primary! :)
- Shawna Borg

* If you visit my blog, you have to register now. It takes a few steps,but hopefully won't be too much of a pain! :)