Friday, October 24, 2008

Go Figure!

Jack on our back hill in 2004
Getting my children up for school is no easy task. When they say, "Just a few more minutes Mom", I feel for them. I too, have trouble dragging myself out of bed. I don't like to nag them, pull off their covers, turn on their lights or get frustrated with them. I don't like to but I sometimes do.

Today is a Professional Development Day for their teachers so my children got to stay home. Hoping to be able to sleep in this morning and planning ahead, I let them all stay up an hour past their normal bedtime last night. In theory, they should sleep in an hour or so more in the morning, right? WRONG!

My children were all up by 6:30 AM! This is a half hour earlier than I normally wake them up for school! How can this be? I don't think they have gotten themselves up for school this entire school year so far!

Now here's the good news:

Jack made me breakfast this morning and came to tell me at about 6:30 AM. I expressed my appreciation for his thoughtfulness and then told him that I would really like to sleep a little longer. Could he feed my bowl of oatmeal to Ethan instead?

Jack willingly agreed. In fact, he took care of Ethan and Joshua until 8:00 AM when Ethan decided he really wanted me and I told Jack it was okay to let him in my room. I put Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (the only show Ethan watches) on in my room and slept on and off for another hour while Ethan climbed on me, throwed pillows at me and then started asking for a drink.

I finally dragged my lazy bones out of bed and expressed my sincere appreciation to Jack, my nine year old son who let me sleep. What a sweet boy!


Katrina said...

Cute story!! We all know that you deserve it! Sweet Jack!!

Kristin said...

I love it when my older kids stay home from school. No matter what time they get up, the older kids keep the younger ones entertained. It sounds like you have great kids. I know that feeling of trying to sleep and kids (and cats) keeping me from it.

Daniel and Karen said...

Oh to have an older child to entertain the younger! :) Its enough, I guess, to know that its coming, someday.

Tori said...

What a sweetie! And NOT lazy!!! Please be kind to yourself. We need to be kind to ourselves.