Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Touching Story

I've been following a heart-wrenching but inspiring story that another blogger introduced me to. It is about a couple (Stephanie and Christian) who were severely burned after their small plane crashed. A new article that just came out was particularly touching so I thought I would share it with you here . Her sister Courtney posts updates on her blog and Stephanie's blog is just a joy to read-- you will get hooked to! WARNING: If you read the article, you will need tissues.

I think about Stephanie and her children everyday and I pray for her to continue to improve so that she can be reunited with her family.


Sarah said...

It is sad. Small world. I got linked over to her blog and have been reading it as well. So many prayers must be being said for them.

Kristin said...

I finally had the time to sit down and read all the story and blogs. What a wonderful family she and her husband come from. Somehow, I get the impression that whatever they are all supposed to learn and gain from this experience, they will and will do so with flying colors. Thanks for sharing.