Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh Ladybugs, Why Must You Torment Me?

Ladybug Legend:

If you find a ladybug in your house, count the number of spots and that is how many dollars you will soon receive.

If this were true, I would be a millionaire by now! I'm not even exaggerating!
Today is the first day of the Fall 2008 ladybug infestation.

Here is a clip looking out my front porch window:

They get much worse than this and I will try to update with a video of the swarming on a REALLY bad day.

Here they are IN my house:

This is what I have to do to my fireplace to keep the number of ladybugs in my living room each Fall down to a few hundred instead of closer to a thousand. Attractive, huh?

Don’t even ask me about my basement! It is frightening down there during an infestation and I don’t even want to think about all of the vacuuming and the sneezing and coughing I’ll be doing thanks to an apparent ladybug allergy. Don’t tell ME no one is allergic to ladybugs!

As I went down the front steps to go pick up Jack and Abby from school, I had Ethan in my arms and I was holding Joshua's hand because he does not like to step on ladybugs and I have to gently pull him down the steps. On the way down, the ladybugs decided to land on me-- my glasses, my nose, my arm, my clothes. I tried to stay calm for Joshua's sake. When I got to the van, we all jumped in the same side door and I quickly closed it behind us. I checked us all out and it seemed that we were now ladybug free (or so I thought) which is unusual after such a trip. As I was driving, a ladybug landed on my neck and freaked me out. When I swiped it off my neck, it pinched/bit me and released some yellow smelly reflex blood onto my neck and hand. Eeewww! I tried to take a picture of the red, slightly raised patch on my neck but it didn’t show up very well in the picture.

Don’t tell me they are cute. Don’t tell me they are beneficial. I LIVE with them. They are disgusting, smelly bugs that leave yellow blood stains on my curtains, walls and windows! Eeewww! I just can’t say it enough… Eeewww!

So, the number one reason that I want to move out of this house and this whole county is not my overgrown yard, having to drive my children to school because the bus doesn’t come here, or the 35 minute trip to church. No, the number one reason I want to move is the LADYBUGS! Eeewww!


Tori said...

I know it's gross, but from here it's pretty funny from here. I thought you loved where you lived! I can understand, though... if roaches were a part of everyday life, I would TOTALLY move just because of that!!!!

Robin said...

I thought ladybugs were kind of cute before I saw this. You're right--this is an infestation. I would not like ladybug "juice" all over the inside of my house, either...or on me, my kids, anywhere!

You should move to Austin. Just yesterday, I read on the internet (100% reliable source) that Austin was rated the #1 city for getting the "best bang for your buck." Also, the "spotting" of a ladybug (no pun intended) is a rare occurrence.

Katrina said...

WOW! I haven't ever heard about this and I'm so sorry! I would not like ladybugs either...not if they were taking over my house! They are cute when they are by themselves...not in swarms! So Sorry Heidi!!

Stephanie said...

Here are two websites I found for you. I found out that they are not ladybugs, but rather Asian beetles, as ladybugs will not invade, Asian beetles will.

Anyway. I have used the amonia thing in my house when I forgot to throw out a lemonade drink from Taco Bell before a trip to the beach and came home to hundreds of ants in my kitchen. It took a few good wipe downs, but no ants within two days.

Something else that worked with the ants is I put whole cloves in my window sill...maybe it will keep the beetles out, too.

Good Luck!



Heidi said...

Stephanie, you are so sweet! From my research I was under the impression that Asian Beetles are just one type of Ladybug.

I have tried to use chemicals to get rid of the pesky things but when I do, they leak that smelly, staining blood on everything while they slowly die. It's disgusting and makes my house stinky and stained in yellow. I've had to throw curtains out before because of this. I've tried to use the chemical on the OUTSIDE of my windows but the pesky things come inside to die and still leave me with a stinky mess. I do use my vacuum to suck them up. This is the best method I seem to have but it also makes my home very smelly for hours afterwards. I haven't tried ammonia and I may try it outside to see if it has any effects on them. Thanks!

Kristin said...

The scene you describe is right out of a horror movie, especially the part about walking to the car with your kids in tow and them swarming on and around you. WOW! I feel for you!

Jen said...

Amen to the bug problem. We get them too. They're disgusting. Let me know if you find a cure.

Jueneta said...

I can't believe it. I have never seen anything like this. I thought that were a great bugs until now. They truly belong outside on the rose bushes. Do you have rose bushes or does you house always smell like roses that they got confused?

My kids have only a 1.5 mile bike ride. Not bad but it is a little steep on the way there and a breeze on the way home.