Thursday, October 16, 2008

Has this ever happened to you?

Have you ever made a highly rated 5-star recipe from a site such as allrecipes (my personal favorite) just to find it so disgusting that you feel bad for wasting ingredients on it? I have.

Have you ever had a friend give you a recipe that she absolutely loves and "you just have to try it" only to find it not so tasty and you hope she doesn't ask you whether or not you liked it? I haven't but I know some people who have had this experience.

When you offer to bring a meal over to a new mother and her family, do you worry that they will not like it? I do.

Have you ever been the recipient of such a meal just to discover that your family found it inedible and your husband had to make dinner anyway? I have.

No wonder it is so difficult and sometimes stressful to decide what to make for dinner when you have company coming! You could love it while they hate it!

Want to try a good recipe? Try the Toasted Garlic Bread recipe from allrecipes. Watch them though because they brown very quickly. Oh, and if you don't like them... just keep it to yourself.


Robin said...

Hmmm...yes, I hate wasting ingredients on something that turned out nasty. I don't usually make recipes just because someone told me I have to try it. I ALWAYS worry that food I take to someone else will not be enjoyed. I have never had to have my husband make a replacement meal--usually he is the one who won't eat it, and that's nothing personal against anyone--he's just really picky!

Have you ever had company over for dinner and been so embarrassed that the food did not turn out and you had no alternative and it was Sunday and you had to rush anyway so you could all get to a baptism while smelling like grease? I have. And I don't think I've had anyone other than family over for a meal since. That was almost 4 years ago. I'm still embarrassed about that one, even though they understood. She's a regular Martha Stewart, otherwise I probably wouldn't have felt so bad.

May your recipes all turn out wonderful from now on. (OK, it's just a wish!)

Tori said...

heeheehee, I actually laughed out loud after I read the bit about keeping it to yourself! You're so funny!

It's been so nice to see/hear more from you. I hope that means your classes are feeling more manageable! I'm so proud of you!

Jueneta said...

I love cookbooks with pictures for that reason. Well I know pictures can be deceiving but using pictures stop the mystery meal idea.

Yes, we have been the victim of awful food . . . luckily the kids just eat the dessert so they don't complain.

I can't wait to try your new recipe site.

Kristin said...

My funniest story about this is when the young men made the ward a spaghetti dinner. It was awful so my parents took us to McDonalds afterwards. There was a bit of a ward reunion held there that night.
I remember a dinner we made for our friends that turned out pretty bad. They still like our cooking except for that though. Thanks goodness! I loved the blog. Yes to every item!

Daniel and Karen said...

Have you ever taken the time to make a really nice dinner, one that you AND your family really love, to share with the missionaries, only to find out that one of them is allergic to something in the dish? AFTER they've arrived, and the food is already made? I have.

Totally humiliating.