Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!

Susan B. Anthony

I took all four of my children with me to vote today. I waited until around 3:00 PM hoping to miss the crowd and yay! we walked right through. Perfect timing or another blessing from heaven? I took the opportunity to praise my children for their good behavior (catch them when I can) and explain to them the importance of voting.

I am so grateful to live in a country where I have the right to vote. I'm grateful for Susan B. Anthony and how hard she worked for women's right to vote only to die before seeing the 19th Amendment to the constitution ratified in 1920 allowing women to vote.

I voted today and I hope you did too!

1 comment:

milojohn5 said...

Well, yes I did. We got these red, circular stickers with a fingerprint on them (because of the touch-screens, I guess), but I missed the old red, white & blue ovals that said "I voted!" Nobody cares about nostalgia anymore.

Did you guys stay up to watch Obama's acceptance speech? It was actually really well-written and excellently delivered. I was fairly well impressed.