Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yoga with a Twist

Here is another item to add to my "Things I'm Grateful For" list. When my back is aching, this Yoga video keeps me from being a cripple. These days my lower back has been hurting so much that I have to do Yoga first if I plan to get any chores done. What a difference it makes!

What's the twist you ask? Yoga with a one year old and a three year old! Joshua often asks me, "Want to do yogo?" Here's how it works:

1. While doing any standing position with your legs spread out, have your little ones crawl back and forth between your legs. Beware: They might accidentally bump into you.

2. Let your little ones play with your yogo bricks when you are not using them. When you need them, just ask your little ones to bring your bricks back and maybe they will.

3. Be sure to share your yoga mat. Adjust your poses accordingly.

4. When you are preparing for locust pose, don't worry about lifting up your head. Your little ones will do that for you by pulling on your hair to lift your head.

5. When you are using your brick, let your little ones try to knock the brick out from under your hands. This is a fun game for them and will count as quality time with your children.

Well, there you have it! I hope you try out Yoga with a Twist! Let me know how it goes!


Sarah said...

I especially like #5. It will strengthen your core.

Kristin said...

I have never done yoga with kids that age, but I have done Aerobics with them. It is just as challenging. Avoiding hitting them is a little more challenging when you are kicking and punching while they run around you. Yoga is great stuff isn't it?

Tori said...

You are SO funny!! ^_^

Arielle said...

Hey, how was your dad's b-day party? I tried telling the kids that you were out of town but they didn't really understand. They thought you were IN town.

Jueneta said...

I have that DVD. I probably should use it but I think I am in the collecting exercise DVD stage.