Friday, April 11, 2008

A Mother's Bad Call!

Have you ever made a judgment call you regretted later?

Jack's class had their big field trip today. The one they talk about all year! They took charter buses to Jamestown which is about 2 1/2 hours from here. Well, this morning Jack woke up excited but then said he didn't feel very well. He said he might even throw up. He got really upset about the possibility of missing the trip. I took his temp which was only 98.4 and told him to eat breakfast and see how he feels. Now, we woke him up almost 2 hours earlier than usual and when I wake up really early, I usually feel a little queasy. I always have. I can remember as a child, if we got up early to go on a trip, I would often be too nauseous to eat anything. After having a little breakfast and asking for us to say a family prayer for him, he said he was actually feeling better. So, off he went!

About two hours later, I got a call from Mr. Wills. Jack has thrown up all over himself on the bus! Someone driving behind the buses is going to stop to get him a new pair of shorts for today. I am hoping and praying that he got it all out of his system and will feel better for the rest of the day. If not, it looks like Aunt Christi, Nana or his father will be making a trip to Jamestown today!

What could I do? If I kept him home and he didn't turn out to be sick, he would have missed a very special and expensive trip for nothing. He would have been really sad all day. I really thought it was just a morning thing and that he would be fine. No one we know has been sick. But, now I feel really bad for his teacher and the other people on the bus and poor Jack who is sick and not home. I felt like I made a responsible decision until he threw up.

Was it wrong of me to send him?


Sarah said...

Not at all. He probably will still have a blast.

John Monteith said...


You didn't. Really. And like Sarah said, now the trip just takes off from there! On to Nana's! And Grandma's! Woo-hoo!

Now the question is: do we watch Transformers without him? If not, whose turn is it to pick? Hmm...

Robin said...

That was definitely a hard call to make. I would be so sad for my child to miss a special trip like that, too. I hope Jack feels better and has some fun anyway...and that he isn't too traumatized by the ordeal.

Kristin said...

This is one of the hardest things for me as a Mom. Keep them home or make them go (or in this case LET him go?)Who says we shouldn't gamble? We have to do it everyday when it comes to kids. I would have made the same choice. It is too bad that it turned out that way. Don't feel bad though. You never could have known. I have made the same gamble with vacations and ended up regretting it. My mom made the same gamble with me and lost when I was a kid. I got through it and she did too. Now it is a pretty funny story. Stuff like this just makes everyone involved a little tougher, wiser . . and more paranoid perhaps. What an adventure that you have to get him home someway. I am sorry it turned out this way. Interesting that kids in other classes are sick too though.