Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cleaned Your Sink Drain Lately?

We have been having trouble with our bathroom sinks draining. We have poured Drano, Liquid Plumber and boiling water down them countless times but they would only get a little better. I could never figure out how to get the drain plug out so I could clean out the drain. I would clean them out the best I could with the plug still in. Well, today I decided that enough is enough. I decided to educate myself about drains. Yes, you guessed it-- I went online. There I discovered how to remove the drain plug! What happened to the good old days when you just turned it and pulled it out??? Here is a picture of some of what I got out of the kid's sink. I promise NOT to show you what comes out of mine! EEEEEW!

I feel so handy today!!! I still can see some stuff down there that I can't reach with the plastic spoon handle I was using so I left the drain plug out. John, please stop by Lowe's and buy me a plumbers snake. I can do it!!!

Sorry if this is too gross for you. Let me know if you think I should remove the picture. :)

Goodbye Liquid Plumber!! I just took over your job-- AND I do it better!!!


Robin said...

Way to go, Heidi! I am not much of a do-it-yourselfer, so I have to admire your new skills.

By the way, the picture is fine. However, I don't recommend clicking on it to enlarge it. :)

Kristin said...

Good for you taking initiative like that. I love cleaning something that hasn't been cleaned in ages. Such a satisfying feeling. The picture isn't bad at all.

Leah said...

way to be Heidi..I always like the feeling of being handy....I've fixed our toilets before (replacing the inside) and put up a new light fixture in the bathroom....it's such an accomplishment!!