Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gingerbread House

I know this is a weird time of year for making Gingerbread Houses but we received this kit as a Christmas gift from Daniel and Karen and just now put it together. Joshua saw it in the cabinet and asked if we could build it. So, we put this together after family council Thursday. We had lots of fun and it turned out cute!


Robin said...

That looks like it was a lot of fun to put together. I've always wanted to do a gingerbread house but haven't yet so far.

Kristin said...

Your gingerbread house turned out WAY cuter than ours did. Ours caved in on itself multiple times. You have a gift my friend. Thanks for sharing the alcohol info too. That is VERY good to know.

Tori said...

It looks GREAT!! Seriously.
I've been meaning to put the gingerbread house we have left from Christmas together, but felt weird about the timing. You've inspired me to go ahead with it and see what the girls do. Kat is, about 6 months older, afterall! :)
Love ya,
Tori of