Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hand-Me-Down Toy

Ethan now realizes that he can stand by himself. He has also figured out that he can walk while holding our hands-- it took him a while! He likes this "new" toy we introduced to him today. Gotta love hand-me-downs from your older siblings!

I told Ethan to say goodbye as I was turning off the camera and he actually did it! I didn't even wave and I had no idea that he knew that trick yet! Unfortunately, the camera didn't catch it because it had already turned off so I had to turn it back on and take another video. Isn't he cute? Sorry about my annoying mommy's-excited-about-what-you-did voice. : )


Kristin said...

I love when they surprise you by knowing something you didn't know they did. Good for him! I am all to familiar with "Excited mom" voice. Don't apologize! Moms have the right to have their excited moments to counter act all the so very unexciting ones right?

milojohn5 said...

When did you read Pillars of the Earth, Heidi? I remember that it was pretty graphic at times, but I got sucked into the story pretty early, so that I finished it just to find out what happened to the family.

We watched Becket in one of the classes that I subbed for recently, and all of a sudden it clicked for me where I had heard that bit of history before.

Heidi said...

It was the last fiction book that I was reading but unfortunately, it had to be returned to the library before I could finish it. I kept it for a while but the fines were adding up so I needed to return in. I plan to check it out again and finish it. I found it to be strange at times but I too have been sucked in and need to finish it just to see what happens and get some answers.