Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can You Figure Out How Well Potty Training Is Going?

I noticed Joshua bending over a little and pushing so we had the following conversation:

Me: Joshua, don't poopie in your diaper. Poopie in the potty so we can make cookies.

Joshua: No, I don't want to poopie in the potty. I want to poopie in my diaper.

Me: Don't you want to make cookies?

Joshua: I don't want a cookie. I want a poopie diaper.


Tori said...

That is HILARIOUS!!! ^_^ What a character, huh? Sounds like a Monteith... the funniness, I mean. ;)

Robin said...

Sounds like how potty-training is going at our house...only better articulated by Joshua. :)

Sarah said...

He sure knows what he wants!

Kristin said...

I am afraid, given the choice, Sam would chose a poopy diaper as well. I personally don't see the appeal but to each their own huh? Who knows, maybe if we shared their tastes we wouldn't be having our other blog at all because we wouldn't need it. The Poopy Diaper Diet. Hmmmmm.......

Mike and Desiree and the Boys said...

Kids, they don't know what they want. Check out our blog to see what Zachary wants to do these days. And it ain't sit on the toilet either.


ps kvbeq