Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A to Z

A- Attached or Single: Attached
B- Best friend: John of course! I have been blessed with great friends and they are all the BEST!
C- Cake or Pie: Cake, baked goods are my weakness (along with ice cream)
D- Day of choice: Friday-- no homework, Pizza Movie Night, what's not to love
E- Essential item: Curel lotion
F- Favorite Color: Purple with blue a close second
G- Gummy bears or worms: Bears
H- Hometown: Virginia Beach, VA
I- Indulgence: Girl's Night Out once a month
J- January or July: I would say July but my AC isn't so great so I'm going to have to say January K- Kids: Jack (8) Abby (6) Joshua (3) Ethan (1)
L- Life is incomplete without: Fun and laughter
M- Marriage Date: May 3, 1997
N- Number of siblings: 3
O- Oranges or Apples: Apples
P- Phobias or fears: House fire in which I am unable to get to my kids, watching someone I love suffer pain
Q- Quotes: "Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake, To guide the future as he has the past."-Katharina von Schlegel I can't get through this song without crying.
R- Reason to smile: My lovely family : )
S- Season of choice: Fall, it seems to have the nicest weather.
T- Tag 3 times: Sarah, Tori, Desiree and anyone else who wants to do it.
U- Unknown fact about me: I love to sing! My children know because they hear it all of the time. I don't like to sing in front of others because I don't think I'm any good. : )
V- Very favorite store: Amazon.com Great prices and free shipping! I love to read reviews too!
W- Worst habit: Surfing the Internet-- what a time waster!
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: Ultrasound
Y- Your favorite food: I have so many favorites! Mint chocolate chip ice cream on a brownie
Z- Zodiac Sign: Pisces

1 comment:

Robin said...

That was fun to read!