Saturday, March 22, 2008

Cleaning Windows

Have you ever had one of those days where you just start going crazy with cleaning? Scrubbing windows and walls, cleaning out cabinets and closests and getting to those areas of the house that are usually neglected? That's what I did yesterday. By the end of the day I was so sore. I only cleaned one window (inside and out) and then decided to add windows to my chore chart. I figure if I clean one window every Friday, my windows will be much cleaner than usual. It was seriously filthy in the tracks and now it is so clean! It made me happy to see my hard work really show. I also fought the ladybug battle. I vacuum a window and move to the next just to turn around and see more ladybugs in the one I just vacuumed! I decided to just tape up my fireplace because I believe most of them come in that way. While taping, I saw FIVE ladybugs come out of it! Ugh! It doesn't look very attractive to have a black garbage bag with tan masking tape covering the fireplace but if it keeps the ladybugs at bay until the leaves are back on the trees it will be worth it.

By the way John, I'm NOT pregnant! Spring cleaning must just be part of my wiring!


Robin said...

I'm in the midst of spring cleaning here myself, but since Texas doesn't have a very long spring, oh well! Guess I can't do much cleaning! Moving on to other important things... :D

Kristin said...

I love those days. I need another one. I dedicated a week a few weeks ago to cleaning my dinning room and scrubbed my table and chairs meticulously. What I hate is when you realize how filthy it has been for who knows how long and wonder how many of your guests noticed even though you hadn't. I cleaned my dinning room windows, glass,the window wells and frames, the blinds and everything and now they are beautiful. I swore I would dedicate each week to another room. I am afraid they are still the only really clean windows in the whole house. I havn't been able to talk myself into tackling another window quite yet.

Katrina said...

I loved all of your new updates! You are a true blogger! I do change my template a lot...I get bored so easy!