Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spouse vs. Spouse Tag

How did you meet your spouse? We actually grew up about 5 minutes away from each other and were in the same stake but different wards. One of my friends had a crush on John and I had a crush on one of John’s friends. I wasn’t interested in John because my friend was—you know how it is. When he came back from his mission and came to BYU, a mutual friend invited us both to a volleyball game. I got to know John better and we hit it off right away!
Where did you go on your first date? I believe our first date was an on-campus movie. He held my hand and I got excited but then he told me that he holds hands with all of the girls. Weird!
How long have you been together? I believe we started dating in December and we wanted to get married that next summer but our parents pressured us to wait because they thought it was too soon. We shouldn’t have listened to them. Anyway, we didn’t get married until the following summer. So, dating/engaged for 1 ½ years and married for 10 ¾ years. And I really believe we love each other more now than we did when we got married!
Who eats more? I eat more sweets than John but he eats more at meals.

Who said I love you first? Honestly, I don’t remember. How sad it that?
Who sings better? John definitely sings better but he rarely sings. He used to sing all of the time before we got married. He was even in a group and I thought “Yeah! I’ve always wanted to marry someone who can sing!” Unfortunately, he no longer sings. I can sing but I don’t really like my singing voice. However, I sing ALL of the time in the privacy of my own home. I just asked Jack and Abby this question and they both answered that I sing better just as I thought they would. John, start singing! Your children don’t even know you can!
Who is smarter? John is smarter in most things. I have a terrible memory which makes me not as smart in things like history, science, politics, and entertainment. I am smarter when it comes to finances and child-rearing.
Who does the laundry? I do most of the laundry but John sometimes switches a load for me.

Who does the dishes? I do most of the dishes but I just started a chore chart that makes it John and Jack’s turn to do the dinner dishes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I even try to plan easy clean up meals for them.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? John.

Who pays the bills? Me.
Who mows the lawn? Have you seen our lawn??? John does all of the mowing and yard work. It is too dangerous for me!
Who cooks dinner? My dream is to have dinner ready everyday when John gets home. Reality is that lots of times he comes home and starts dinner. I think I still do more cooking than him but it’s close.

Who drives when you are together? John. Yeah, I get to play DS!
Who is more stubborn? John, but he’s too stubborn to admit it. : )
Who is the first to admit when they’re wrong? I don’t think either of us actually admits that we are wrong. We just compromise to keep the peace. We really don’t argue a lot.
Whose parents do you see the most? Since our parents live within five minutes of each other, we are able to visit both houses on the same trip. We sleep at my parent’s house and I definitely spend more time at my mom’s. John often goes to his house alone to play xbox. I like to go there when I know another woman will be there to chat with but most of the time I go, there are only men/boys there and they all play xbox while I watch the kids. Not so much fun.
Who kissed who first? John kissed me after what seemed like forever!

Who proposed? John. We had been dating only a couple months when he asked, “What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” I wasn’t going to accept THAT as a proposal! But, we did know we were going to get married after that. He officially asked (with a ring and on one knee) when we were home for Christmas break 10 months later.
Who has more friends? I have more friends because I am very outgoing and John is shy.
Who has more siblings? John has 7 and I have 3.
Who wears the pants in the family? I asked Jack and Abby who they think is the boss around here. Jack said that John is the boss because he’s really bossy. Abby said I’m the boss because I deserve it because I bought the house. Hehe. We really make most decisions together. Like I said, we don’t argue much.

Tag! Your turn!


Robin said...
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Heidi said...

I just KNEW someone was going to bring that up! Okay, I went on one date with his brother Michael and I did date his brother Adam. And THEN I discovered the Monteith boy for me! It didn't have anything to do with his brothers and we would have been brought together by a mutual friend (Thanks Clint Boyle!) even if I had never met his brothers. Thanks for that, Robin!

Robin said...
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Robin said...

Bring what up? :D

Heidi said...

It's okay Robin! Everyone knows the whole story already! I was just playing with you!

Mike and Desiree and the Boys said...

Heidi, here is our new blog. Love ya.