Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Think Young!

We have had a lot of family birthdays in the last couple of months and I keep hearing people say things like:

"I am getting so old."

"I can't believe you are 35! You are getting old."

(And yes, I am guilty of this myself.)

Upon reflection, I have decided that I don't like to think of 33 (my age and I'm not embarrased to share it) as being old because my life expectancy when I was born was 78 and the longer I live the higher my life expectancy gets. I survived childhood diseases, I avoided being in a fatal car accident as a youth, and I am doing well!

If I start thinking of myself as old then I am going to be OLD for a very long time. I don't want to be old for that long so from this day forward I will be thinking of myself and those around me (yes, you too) as young.


Tori said...

It's so strange to me when people refer to themselves as old when only in their 30s. I think of 70 as GETTING old... 90 is oldish. Anyway... I'm glad you're thinking young!!

Kristin said...

I prefer to think of myself as wiser. So far the older I get the more confident and secure I feel with who I am. I understand and appreciate the gospel more too, so, if that is what it means to get old,I am ok with it.

Jueneta said...

That's a great idea for me too. I need to think 37 is not old but young.

Sarah said...

Hear. Hear. Now if people would stop saying things like, "I'm so fat." Over and over. I can't stand that.

Daniel and Karen said...

I'm guilty of this too! I constantly find myself whining that I'll be 30 next year. But what about all the great stuff I get to do in between? Thanks for this post!