Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Tribute To My Mother

My mother is a special lady.

She is an amazing wife and mother of four children. She has raised us well and we all turned out to be great people ourselves because of her. She has 7 grandchildren who love her and are all smart as can be! She has one dog and one granddog that keep her company and bring her happiness during this empty nest stage of her life. She also has 4 other granddogs and a grandcat but I'm not sure how much happiness they bring because they make a mess when they visit!

She is a wonderful cook! Her kitchen has always been a hang out place for family and friends. I remember one of my friends in high school came over for dinner once and asked me why my mom had cooked a Sunday dinner on a school night. Before this, I had no clue that other mothers weren't cooking like this everyday! She likes to try new recipes and has even created a Niepraschk Family Cookbook full of recipes from the whole extended family! What a blessing it has been to have these recipes to use in my own home!

Everyone loves to talk to my mother so her phone is always ringing off the hook. One thing I've learned though that's interesting...she doesn't like to talk on the phone! When I am visiting her and she isn't home, the phone drives me nuts with all of that ringing. So, I've been calling her less than everyday now. : ) I hope it helps Mom!

My mother is an awesome teacher! She teaches second grade and was recently named "Teacher of the Year." She also teaches in Young Womens and has been since I was in Young Womens myself. She is so wonderful that bishop after bishop feels that they cannot replace her!

She is a wonderful grandmother and her grandchildren LOVE her! Joshua tells me almost every other day that we need to go to Nana's. We usually leave here after dark to go to her house. One day after it got dark, Joshua pointed out the window and said, "We need to go to Nana's house." He was so upset when we didn't take off for Nana's that I had trouble getting him to go to bed. When I left my children with Nana for a weekend vacation, Ethan was so good and she said he didn't even cry. He cries and whines several times a day when I'm watching him! Nana sends my children cards for Halloween, Easter, Valentines Day, and their birthdays. They love to get mail from Nana!

John calls Nana's house "The Plaza" because he also loves to visit her and be spoiled with her good cooking and hospitality!

My mother has always been there for me. She is a good example to me and my children and I feel so blessed to have her as my mom! I know that when I'm having a bad day I can call my mom and she will be able to tell me what I need to hear. My father, my siblings and I depend upon her and her wisdom. She is the one that makes our family strong! That is why I plan for her to live well past 100! Sorry, Mom.

I love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!


Sarah said...

She's also my favorite aunt. I didn't know she was named "Teacher of the Year." I still remember one of her lessons when I was in her young women's class a long time ago. It's been very philosophically important to me through the years.

Kristin said...

You look like your Mom quite a bit. What a nice blog.

Tori said...

What an awesome entry! I will probably copy-cat at some point in the future... maybe for my Mom's birthday. You're awesome, Heidi!!

Jueneta said...

What a wonderful tribute. I love all the pictures.