Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dirty Laundry

Yay! All of my laundry is clean, folded and put away! Oh, wait... well, it WAS all caught up... until my children got dressed. Now they are wearing my next load of laundry. Oh wait... there are dirty towels hanging in the bathroom from last night's baths/showers. I guess I am two loads behind. Oh no! I just noticed that Abby has something yucky on her bed sheet that looks like a smashed bug. Ewwww! Make that three loads behind!

Well, I guess I better go get started on the laundry again... AFTER I check my friends' blogs for updates. I have to fill my bucket first, right?


Kristin said...

There is nothing more discouraging than seeing your loads laundry to put away. . only to see in the same room a dirty clothes hamper full of dirty clothes. IT NEVER ENDS!!!!

Tori said...

You too, huh? ;) Caught up? No? Me neither!

Robin said...

I empathize. Just when you think there are no more clothes to wash, it's time to wash the darn sheets!

Jueneta said...

It is totally hopeless. I am so behind on everything that is while it feels so good to ignore it and blog instead.